Joker (2019)

Arthur Fleck, a party clown and a failed stand-up comedian, leads an impoverished life with his ailing mother. However, when society shuns him and brands him as a freak, he decides to embrace the life of crime and chaos in Gotham City.

All Releases

Domestic (31.1%)
International (68.9%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorWarner Bros.
See full company information
Domestic Opening$96,202,337
Earliest Release DateOctober 2, 2019 (APAC, LATAM)
Running Time2 hr 2 min
GenresCrime Drama Thriller
TitleEarliest Release DateDomestic Opening Weekend% of TotalTheatersDomestic 2nd Weekend2nd Weekend DropDomesticInternationalWorldwide
VenomOct 3, 2018$80.3M37.6%4,250$35.0M-56.4%$213.5M$642.6M$856.1M
Justice LeagueOct 17, 2017$93.8M41%4,051$41.1M-56.2%$229.0M$432.3M$661.3M
LoganMar 1, 2017$88.4M39.1%4,071$38.1M-56.9%$226.3M$392.9M$619.2M
HalloweenOct 17, 2018$76.2M47.8%3,928$31.4M-58.8%$159.3M$100.6M$259.9M
SpectreOct 26, 2015$70.4M35.2%3,929$33.7M-52.2%$200.1M$680.6M$880.7M
Jason BourneJul 27, 2016$59.2M36.5%4,026$22.4M-62.2%$162.4M$253.1M$415.5M
Birds of PreyFeb 5, 2020$33.0M39.2%4,236$17.2M-48%$84.2M$121.2M$205.5M