The Last Legion (2007)

As the Roman empire crumbles, young Romulus Augustus flees the city and embarks on a perilous voyage to Britain to track down a legion of supporters.

All Releases

Domestic (23.4%)
International (76.6%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorThe Weinstein Company
See full company information
Domestic Opening$2,746,312
Earliest Release DateApril 19, 2007 (APAC, EMEA)
Running Time1 hr 41 min
GenresAction Adventure History War
TitleEarliest Release DateDomestic Opening Weekend% of TotalTheatersDomestic 2nd Weekend2nd Weekend DropDomesticInternationalWorldwide
PathfinderJan 10, 2007$5.0M48.9%1,720$1.9M-62.8%$10.2M$20.8M$31.0M
Conan the BarbarianAug 17, 2011$10.0M47.1%3,015$3.2M-68.2%$21.3M$42.2M$63.5M
Season of the WitchJan 6, 2011$10.6M42.7%2,816$4.6M-56.6%$24.8M$66.8M$91.6M
King ArthurJul 7, 2004$15.2M29.3%3,086$7.2M-52.9%$51.9M$151.7M$203.6M
Robin HoodMay 12, 2010$36.1M34.3%3,503$18.8M-48%$105.3M$216.4M$321.7M
The EagleFeb 10, 2011$8.7M44.6%2,296$3.6M-58%$19.5M$18.5M$38.0M