Mr. 3000 (2004)

Aging baseball star who goes by the nickname, Mr. 3000, finds out many years after retirement that he didn't quite reach 3,000 hits. Now at age 47 he's back to try and reach that goal.

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Domestic (99.9%)
International ()
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorWalt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
See full company information
Domestic Opening$8,679,028
Earliest Release DateSeptember 17, 2004 (Domestic)
Running Time1 hr 44 min
GenresComedy Drama Romance Sport
TitleEarliest Release DateDomestic Opening Weekend% of TotalTheatersDomestic 2nd Weekend2nd Weekend DropDomesticInternationalWorldwide
Draft DayApr 10, 2014$9.8M33.9%2,781$5.7M-41.6%$28.8M$982.0k$29.8M
Guess WhoMar 24, 2005$20.7M30%3,147$12.7M-38.5%$68.9M$34.2M$103.1M
42Apr 12, 2013$27.5M28.9%3,003$17.7M-35.5%$95.1M$2.5M$97.5M
ReboundJul 1, 2005$5.0M29.9%2,464$3.0M-39.9%$16.8M$683.0k$17.5M
Here Comes the BoomOct 12, 2012$11.8M26.1%3,014$8.4M-28.9%$45.3M$27.8M$73.1M
Million Dollar ArmMay 9, 2014$10.5M28.8%3,019$7.0M-33.7%$36.5M$2.0M$38.5M
MoneyballSep 23, 2011$19.5M25.8%2,993$12.0M-38.3%$75.6M$34.6M$110.2M
Soul MenNov 7, 2008$5.4M44.7%2,044$2.4M-56.5%$12.1M$249.2k$12.3M
Trouble with the CurveSep 21, 2012$12.2M34%3,212$7.3M-40.2%$35.8M$13.2M$49.0M