The Gold Cigarette Case (1916)

Christopher Race, returning from a trip into the country, stops at an old castle with the intention of looking over the ruins. As he reaches the front of the place, a girl, leaning from a tower, attracts his attention. The girl throws something down which proves to be a gold cigarette case. She is then roughly dragged from the window. Race finds an old hag, who is the caretaker, and she shows him about the place. He is unable to find any trace of the girl except by one hairpin on a window ledge. He returns that night to search further. having put up at a nearby inn, and is attacked and wounded on the arm. The next morning he receives a surprise when he sees the man whose photo is in the cigarette case at the inn with another. Race displays the case and the men come to his table. Talk follows which reveals the fact that the young fellow, Maurice Naylor, is searching for the girl, his fiancée, to whom he gave the case. The latter contains a slip of paper bearing some letters which are the combination of a safe, in which are some valuable bonds, the girl's fortune, left her by her parents. Her uncle, in whose care she is, has tried to force the combination from her. When she became engaged to Naylor, the uncle took her away. Naylor has traced her to that locality by a letter he received from her, but he does not know the house she is in. As Christopher saw her being taken in an auto from the castle the previous evening, he knows she is there no longer. A letter comes while they talk saying that Race may learn something of the girl if he will call at a certain house that evening. The man with Naylor, Fergus O'Brien, a detective, scents a trap. It is arranged that Race shall go that evening, while the others will follow and see what happens. Christopher goes to the house and is attacked. After a fierce fight, the girl is rescued; her uncle and his accomplices are captured, and all ends happily.

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GenresAction Short