The Sacred Turquoise of the Zuni (1910)

Scene I: Finding the Stone. A young Zuni Chief enters a turquoise mine and prepares to work. He gathers up various good sized fragments of rock and proceeds to smash them by crushing them with another big rock. When he has worked a sufficient length of time he discovers a magnificent turquoise, a stone so big and beautiful that it seems to emit rays of light. Just then an Apache Chief comes into view. As the Apache notes the find he stealthily creeps down and tries to attack the Zuni from the back. But the Zuni is too quick and turns just as the Apache's knife is about to fall. They have a fierce fight in which the Apache is scalped and left for dead. The Zuni exits and when he has gone the Apache revives and crawls away. Scene II. The Apache Camp. A group of tepees. Indians in various occupations scattered about, playing a game. As the game is proceeding furiously a runner come in to announce the return of the Indian who was scalped in the first scene. He crawls in, apparently half dead, is helped from his horse and falls exhausted to the ground. A squaw fetches a bowl of broth and when the Indian drinks this he revives somewhat and tells his story in graphic pantomime. At its conclusion he gasps and falls back as if dead. The other Indians thereupon hold a pow-wow: the Chief makes a speech and they don their war bonnets, get their horses and start out to avenge their brother and capture the wonderful jewel. Scene III: The Turquoise Consecrated to the Gods. We see the interior of a Zuni Temple with a big idol on a stone platform in the center. The entrance is up high on the side. Two Zuni priests are doing a snake dance before the altar. The young Zuni of Scene I, then enters and after a brief pow-wow in which he describes the finding of the turquoise and the fight, he gives it to the priests who place it on the breast of the idol where it emits rays of mysterious light. As it does so, all three prostrate themselves and then exit. Scene IV: The Theft of the Sacred Turquoise. A clear night in Arizona. The light from the moon comes only through the high door and falls on the statue of the Zuni god. The temple is empty and quiet. Then slowly an Apache's head appears peering in the door then disappears. Then it comes again and slowly the Apache enters and is followed by another, The two examine the statue half in fear and panic, but finally one of them musters up courage enough to inspect it closely. He discovers the turquoise, and while his companion is watching the door, he pries it out with his knife, conceals it in his pouch, and the two slink out as they entered. They fail to notice that they have left their knife behind. Scene V: The Theft Discovered. Scene VI: The Pursuit. Scene VII: The Apaches Captured. Scene VIII: The Turquoise Recovered. The wounded Zuni with difficulty drags himself into the temple, restores the turquoise to its place on the breast of the idol and then drops dead at its feet.

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GenresDrama Short