The Passing Shadow (1910)

This picture gives us a strong illustration of the man of iron will and the unrelenting father whose pride will tolerate no contradiction. He is determined upon having his son marry a wealthy lady whom he has chosen for him. The son wishes to marry the girl of his choice, which he does against his father's wishes. He is cast off by his father, who will have nothing to do with him or his wife. The son has a staunch friend and champion in his young sister, who assists him in his poverty and distress. She pleads with her father for her brother's recognition and reinstatement, but all to no avail. On Christmas Eve we see the son, his wife and baby in their humble home with slight evidences of good cheer. He has a little money left and he decides to make his father a Christmas present. His wife is delighted. He buys the present and decides to go to his father's home and leave it there under cover of night. Reaching the old home, he lifts the library window. He cannot resist entering the familiar room. He places on his father's desk the present with its attached card: "For dear old father even if he doesn't care for me." At this very moment his father, in another room, probably trying to square his conscience with his tyrannical nature and the rejection of his boy, hears a noise, seizes a revolver and cautiously approaches the library, in which, in the dim light, he sees a man. He raises his revolver and shoots. He 'phones for the police, and, when they arrive and examine the prostrate form of the supposed burglar, the father discovers that he has shot his own son. Surprise gives way to anguish and despair. An ambulance is called and his son is taken to the hospital. The son is now convalescent, and the father calls at the hospital to see him. He implores his son's forgiveness, takes his little grandchild from its mother, who has just arrived on the scene, kisses it, puts his arm around his daughter-in-law, takes her to his bosom and promises to make amends for the suffering his harshness has caused them.

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GenresDrama Short
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