Zeb, Zeke and the Widow (1910)

Zeb keeps the General Store in a little country town and he and Zeke have been lifelong friends. They are a couple of cantankerous oldsters but there's a flash of youthful fire in their veins and this in their veins and this is fanned to white heat by the appearance of Mrs. Marion Clayton, a fascinating widow whose physician has prescribed an entire rest from all social duties and retirement to a country town. Mrs. Clayton finds the awkward flirtations of Zeb and Zeke a relief from the monotony of novel reading and accepts Zeke's invitation to go buggy-riding. This is a blow to Zeb who hustles to the city and buys a second-hand automobile. That wipes Zeke's eye but the stubborn wreck of what was once an auto balks. Zeb climbs under the machine in the most approved motor fashion and Zeke sits beside the widow and tinkers with the steering gear. He starts the auto and then commences a wild ride with Zeb pursuing in Zeke's buggy. Zeke wrecks the auto and then drives the widow home in the buggy, winning there and back. Zeb threatens to sue Zeke for the price of the wrecked machine and his damaged feelings, and the old friendship bids fair to be broken up when the widow gets word that her fiancé is about to arrive from abroad and her physician will permit her return to the city. It's a stunning blow to Zeb and Zeke, but Zeb tears up the bill for the auto and over a couple of cigars, "Five centers, the best in the cast," they talk over their love dreams. Anyhow the widow was a corker and it was worthwhile.

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GenresComedy Short