The Heroine of the Forge (1909)

A wealthy young man, dressed for riding, comes down the steps accompanied by his mother. He kisses her good-bye, mounts and rides away. From another home an athletic looking girl, dressed in hunting costume and carrying a gun, bids her mother good-bye and starts away. On a lonely road in the woods two highwaymen are seen waiting for a victim. They conceal themselves as a horseman, our young man of the opening scene, comes down the road. He is set upon by the two men, but he fights them off and rides away. The men fire upon him and wound him; still he clings to his horse, the assailants starting in pursuit. In another part of the woods the athletic girl comes to view. She hears a noise, steps aside and waits. As the horse with a wounded young man comes abreast of her, she springs out, grabs the bridle and assists the young man to dismount. While binding his wounds the two highwaymen come up and renew their attack. She knocks them down with her fist, picks up her gun and chases them away. She and the young man proceed on foot and presently come upon an auto, which, fortunately, contains the young man's mother. She thanks the young lady profusely, takes her boy in the auto and rides away. From glances cast by the young couple it is evident that it is "love at first sight." The next scene shows the interior of the blacksmith shop, the blacksmith (our heroine) and her helper are at work at the anvil. After finishing, she leaves the shop, going through to her living rooms. Her mother enters with a letter just received from the mother of the young man, in which she expresses thanks and promises to call in person. Almost immediately afterward the writer of the letter appears, and although their stations in life are widely separated, the poorer woman is made to feel perfectly at ease. The young girl has returned to the shop and shortly after our hero appears to have his horse shod. He is astonished to find in the "smithy" the young girl who so nobly saved his life. They are engaged in earnest conversation as the two mothers come upon the scene. The young man tells of his love and as the mothers give consent the lovers fondly embrace.

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GenresDrama Short
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