The Cherry Bushido (2022)

Shizuka, a college student, is recruited by a group named the "Japan Salvation Conference" for a mission. She and her pals leave their astral bodies and head for the spirit world to face the Great Demon of Hades that aims to destroy Japan.

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Domestic (0.3%)
International (99.7%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorFreestyle Releasing
See full company information
Domestic Opening$7,781
Earliest Release DateFebruary 18, 2022 (Japan)
Running Time2 hr 5 min
GenresDrama Fantasy


AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
DomesticMar 11, 2022$7,781$17,586

Asia Pacific

AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
JapanFeb 18, 2022$1,266,642$5,105,143