Frontier Day in the West (1910)

To-morrow would he Frontier Day, and Nell Norton's white horse, the peerless Creto, had been entered as favorite. Charles Clayton was forced to admit to himself that if Creto ran, his horse, Gypsy, must be contented with second plate. However, he had fully determined that Creto was not to run, and accordingly bet heavily on Gypsy. Common sense told him that any attempt to bribe the Norton's cowboys would only end in exposure, so, with the half-breed he hit upon the plan of drugging Nell's rider, Tim, who slept at the barn, and secreting the favorite until the race had been won. The haunted house would serve as a safe retreat; then, too, the road leading to it was so hard that no track would be seen. That night Clayton put his plan into execution, and the next morning dropped in carelessly to see how Nell was bearing her loss. She had summoned her father, likewise Lee Mason, her fiancé, and every cowboy on the ranch, to aid in the search, but, even so, Clayton went quite contentedly to the track, feeling absolutely sure that Creto would remain undiscovered until he chose to release him. And such might well have been the case had not the cowardly half-breed, in his mad efforts to get out of the haunted house, overlooked the blanket which the favorite rubbed from his back as he entered the door, for it was this blanket which led Nell and Lee, as they hurried down the toad, to pause and search the premises. What was the girl's surprise and delight when she beheld her beloved pet. Hastily untying him, they hurried for the ranch, but, alas! Tim was still too weak to ride, and it was now only wanting a few minutes or two, when the race was to start. Creto would obey only his mistress or Tim, and in an instant Nell had decided to take the boy's place. Donning Tim's chops, and hiding her hair under his large hat, she vaulted into the saddle and galloped off for the track. Nor was she a moment too soon, for, the Indian race, lariat-throwing and bucking contest being over, Judge Andrews had just bidden the boys line up for the race, when he beheld the white favorite and the supposed Tim dash up. Waving a light rebuke for the delay, he bade rider and horse take their place. They were off, and the white beauty, scenting the excitement in the air, and ever obedient to his young rider's coaxing, shot forward like an arrow. At the half-mile he was still in the lead, but Gypsy and the sorrel were creeping up alongside. With a cry of dismay. Nell touched his sides with her quirt, and brought him under the wire ere the others were half-way down the homestretch. As she dismounted, waving her hat, a mighty cheer went up from those nearby. They had heard of Tim being drugged, and they now recognized the rider as Miss Nell Norton. All rushed forward to offer their congratulations, and, although a heavy loser, even Clayton could not begrudge the girl the triumph she had so pluckily won.

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GenresShort Western