The Red Man's Honor (1910)

Had it been in keeping with his dignity, Chief Red Mountain could have danced with joy, for his daughter, Star Light, had chosen Standing Rock for her husband instead of Black Arrow, and the coveted rifle and hatchet were his. Snatching up his rejected gifts, Black Arrow leads his pony away; not only had Standing Rock bested him in a knife fight for the maiden, but now the chief had allowed her to choose between them after having promised her to him. Black Arrow means to be avenged, so the next day when Standing Rock sits on his pony gazing over the cliff, Black Arrow creeps stealthily from behind and sends his rival over the precipice. As she comes to meet her lover, Star Light sees the riderless horse and follows its tracks, soon discovers the injured brave lying unconscious at the bottom of the cliff. After a perilous descent, the maiden soon discovers that she is powerless to lift him, so starts back for help, but in running back to camp she meets two trappers, who gladly come to the Indian's aid and carry him to their cabin until the girl can find her father, Chief Red Mountain. To allay suspicion, Black Arrow leads the rescuing party. Once at the cabin, however, his entire attention is taken up in stealing whiskey, sugar and any other articles he can lay his hands upon, and is just about to get away with the trapper's rifle when the trapper enters and in no gentle manner assists the thief to the door. Once more Black Arrow broods revenge. Supplying his fellow Indians with the stolen whiskey and promising them as much more as they can carry away, he leads them in an attack upon the cabin. Fortunately Star Light had overheard their plans, and finding that her father, the chief, is out hunting, the girl makes all possible speed to warn the trappers and bring the other whites to their aid. This done, Star Light sets out to find the old chief, who is highly incensed that Black Arrow should start hostilities with the white settlers, and hurries to the scene of action with a flag of truce. After banishing the treacherous Black Arrow from his tribe, he passes around the pipe of peace, which the white settlers gladly accept.

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GenresShort Western