The Right House, But... (1910)

The maid, on her afternoon off, meets a young man who assists her to pick up the bundles she has dropped. He escorts her to her home and at the parting begs her card. She has none, so hands him one of her mistress' that she is carrying for effect, never supposing that he will try to anticipate the planned meeting for her next afternoon off by writing. But the gallant lover is hard hit, and that night he writes to beg an appointment for the next day and mentions the place of meeting. The letter, of course, goes to the mistress and a jealous husband snatches it from her hand. He is wild with rage, and heedless of her protestations of innocence posts off to the meeting place around the corner. Pouncing upon the unconscious youth, he hustles him back to the house and confronts his faithless wife with her lover. The scene loses somewhat of its dramatic effect through the bewilderment of the wife and man, neither of whom recognizes the other, and the situation is growing embarrassing when the advent of the maid explains matters and she and her young man become too busy to notice the abject manner in which the husband sues for pardon. It is a lively little story briskly told by the experienced Lubin farceurs and there are plenty of hearty laughs scattered through its short length.

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GenresComedy Short