The Eleventh Hour (1907)

An honest Italian attending to his "peanut stand is bothered by a bully, who insists on filling his pockets from the Italian's ware. Of course, the Italian resents this; a fight ensues, in which the bully is knocked down, and in falling strikes his head against the pavement, which kills him. The Italian is arrested and torn from his wife and children, convicted of murder and sentenced to be hanged. The poor wife seeks a pardon by going to the Governor, who absolutely refuses any aid whatever, believing the Italian guilty of willful murder. The home-coming of the mother to her children follows, and the poor woman is so overcome with grief that the children themselves are stirred to action. They leave home and start to make a final attempt to save the life of their father. They go to the Governor and beg him to give them back their dad. At last the Governor's human nature is touched and he hands a pardon to the two tots. Of course they lose no time in delivering it, and reach the jail just as the father is being led out to meet his fate. The pardon is delivered at the eleventh hour, the father released, and a happy reunion follows.

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GenresDrama Short
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