The Magic Melody (1909)

Angelo Petrosina Jones, violinist, composer, etc., is inspired to write his masterpiece. In his garret above Hans Schwartz's delicatessen store, he fingers his beloved instrument, nibbling at Herr Schwartz's cheese, moving dreamily in andantes, adagios, and con dolores. Angelo Petrosina Jones, tiring of his vain efforts to win his Muse, drops on his cot and goes to sleep, He has a dream. A melody, alluring and sweet, steals into his ears. From the fragmentary harmonies he builds his famous Magic Melody. So masterful is the composition that in playing it he finds that he cannot resist the desire to waltz rhythmically with his music, so he waltzes himself out of the room and down the stairs into Herr Schwartz's delicatessen store. Herr Schwartz and family, caught by the enchantment in the music, all waltz out of the place after the Pied Piper and down the street. During the journey they pick up a number of pedestrians, who all waltz off to possible doom under the charm of the irresistible melody. A staid, sober, dapple-gray horse, hitched to an express wagon, forgets his lowly calling, under the music's charm, and joins the procession. A clumsy elephant, the grand finale of a circus parade, breaks away from his keeper to waltz merrily at the rear of the music-charmed throng. The climax is eventually reached when a wooden Indian in front of a cigar store descends from his pedestal and waltzes off under the spell of the magic melody. Angelo P. Jones awakens with a start, stares about him, then drops on his cot again in despair as he realizes it was merely a dream. Vainly he strives to summon again the motive of the master melody. A pounding on the door banishes completely the last remnants of the composition. He crawls hurriedly under the bed. It is Herr Schwartz coining again to collect his rent.

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Summary Details
GenresComedy Fantasy Short
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