Where Is My Hair? (1907)

A crabbed old man who is entirely bald, lays his precious wig out on a window sill for an airing, only to have it stolen by another bald-headed man. While "baldy" is out scouring for his lost treasure, everyone who comes in his path gets it, and gets it good, until finally a copper who chances to have his head sticking around a corner gets a yank which starts him "hot-footed" after our hair-puller, and behold, a fellow who chances to be wearing a wig comes in his way, the wig is snatched off, and "baldy" laughs with delight, thinking he has recovered his hair. The poor fellow who is left bald-headed is grabbed by the cop, as minus his hair he resembles the one who did pull the officer's locks.

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GenresComedy Short