The One Who Loved Him Best (1914)

Colin Kean had two daughters. Florence, the elder, was a shallow, scheming girl filled with a great, all-comprehensive selfishness. Julia, the younger, was made of finer stuff. When Colin one day asked his daughters which of them loved him the better, Florence immediately professed her own undying affection for her father in terms of exaggerated endearment. Julia said nothing. Colin at once jumped at the conclusion that Florence loved him and Julia did not. So, when he made his will, he left all his money to Florence, stating that he felt confident that she would always take care of her sister. When Derrick Webb asked Florence to marry him, he nearly broke Julia's heart. She bad always cared a great deal for Derrick, and had always cherished the fond illusion that he cared for her. Shortly afterwards Colin had a stroke of apoplexy. Florence came upon her father lying apparently dead on the shore. After the first moment of horror, she was unable to repress the words of satisfaction which rose to her lips, "Now I shall have all the money." The old man. reviving at the moment, heard her, and instantly realized how much he had been mistaken. After he had been helped back to the house, he attempted to change his will, but died just as his hand was reaching for the pen. So Florence inherited the estate after all, but Derrick, discovering that he also had made a mistake, married Julia. A year or two later, misfortunes had brought Derrick and Julia to a condition of extreme poverty. When Julia begged Florence for help, the elder sister laughed. The ghost of old Colin relieved them of their difficulty by causing a window shade to fall. When Derrick climbed on the old chair, which was the only remembrance of her father Florence had allowed Julia to keep, the bottom fell out of it. In the debris Derrick and Julia found the bills and gold watch which Colin had secreted there before he died.

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GenresDrama Short