The Mysterious Package (1914)

Jones County was greatly stirred up over the tramp question. A number of petty thefts and minor crimes had finally culminated in two simultaneous outrages: the firing of a barn near Oak Corners and the explosion of a bomb in the Jenkinsville post office. When the news of these dastardly crimes reached Pohonkasville, indignation, as the village paper said, was felt by all. Pohonkasville had always been rather generous to tramps, but the days of her generosity were over if the low skunks were a going to cut up that way. The indignation ran to fever heat when a tramp to whose gastronomic requirements Cynthia refused to cater, "sassed" that young lady. With the noble spirit of enthusiasm which brought the Crusades into being, Pohonkasville collectively and individually decided that the tramps must be turned out of town. Headed by their gallant constables the villagers rushed forth to the attack. The only three tramps in the vicinity were sitting in the lee of a fence when the ferocious villagers rushed by. Naturally, curious with regard to the motive of the chase, the tramps fell in and ran blindly along in the tail of the procession. It was quite a time before Pohonkasville's gallant band discovered where the tramps were, but it was only a moment or so after they did that the tramps were run out of town in the most satisfactory manner. But when the victorious defenders returned to the village store and post office, a terrible surprise was awaiting them in the shape of a brown paper covered parcel, addressed in straggly letters to Cynthia. Instantly jumping to the conclusion that the tramps had sent them a bomb, they threw the parcel into a bucket of water, and rushing from the store, waited breathlessly for the explosion. While they were waiting, two small boys entered the store, opened the "bomb" and ate a very excellent fudge which it contained. It had originally been intended as a present for Cynthia from a little girl in the city who had made it herself.

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GenresComedy Short