The Jest of Jealousy (1915)

Sheriff Hines lives at his western ranch, some miles from the frontier railroad town. Cyrus Green, chief deputy sheriff, and Edith Hines, the sheriff's daughter, who is attending college in the east, are practically engaged to marry. Hines has been unfortunate during his term of office, for several murderers have escaped capture, including Mexican Pete. Pete shoots a mail carrier and the sheriff and posse start a search for the outlaw. The search is fruitless and Hines receives a letter from the Citizens' Committee threatening to get a new sheriff unless Hines makes good. Edith and an eastern friend, Bradner Phillips, arrive at the frontier town. Green reads a letter from Edith, who says that she is bringing with her, "a young man whom she wishes to marry and settle in the west." Green believes that Edith has thrown him over. Hines understands and sympathizes with Green. Green sees Edith and Phillips riding from the town, and he fires at Phillips. Phillips, returning to consciousness, tells that Mexican Pete was the man who shot him. Sheriff Hines finds the outlaw. Phillips recovers, and Edith changes Green's sorrow to joy by explaining that she wants Phillips to marry her girl chum at college.

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Summary Details
GenresDrama Short
Will M. Ritchey Writer
William Nicholas Selig Producer
Frank Mayo
Frances Marion
Bruce Smith
Philo McCullough