The Quarry (1915)

Jim Montgomery, his mother and his little sister Jennie, live in happiness. Jennie, a cripple, is in need of a hip brace which will cost $50. Jim, a machinist, is out of work, and has no money. With his bag of tools he applies at a large machine shop and is refused employment. Gutzler, a professional burglar, and his partner, are plotting to crack the safe which contains money for the pay-roll. They encounter Jim, covet his tools and assault him. The crooks crack the safe. They are discovered by the watchman. Jim, recovering his senses, follows his assailants to the shop. As Gutzler, the crook, struggles with the watchman, Jim appears upon the scene. The watchman is felled by a blow from Gutzler, and the crooks disappear. Kearney, the detective, arrives with the police and Jim is arrested as a murderer. Circumstantial evidence points to Jim as being the guilty man. The tools found in the office are his; thumb prints on the wrench are identified as his. He is given the "third degree" in all of its horrifying details, but he refuses to "confess" for he has nothing to divulge. Jim is found guilty of robbery and murder, and is sentenced to prison. In the state's prison, Jim's cell-mate is Bill Hawkins. His heart is touched when Jim prays. Bill, seeing an opportunity to escape, gives Jim $50. He puts Jim in a box which is carted away from the prison. Detective Kearney, Jim's nemesis, is infuriated when he learns of Jim's escape. He arranges that Bill Hawkins be paroled, confident that Bill will lead the sleuth straight to the hiding place of Jim. In the months that pass, a new life is opened to Jim Montgomery. He becomes superintendent of a cotton mill in a distant town, and carries the name of Nelson. He loves Mollie Bryan, daughter of the mill president, and the love is mutual. The police send out reward offers for the "apprehension of Jim Montgomery, murderer and escaped convict." Bill Hawkins inserts an advertisement in a newspaper in order to find the whereabouts of his friend Jim. Montgomery sees this advertisement and answers it. Jim is torn between conflicting emotions. He tells Mollie of his case, who says that she will fight the case with him. Bill Hawkins appears and Jim asks Bill to find the man guilty of the murder of the watchman, and also to tell Jim's mother to come to him. Detective Kearney has been keeping an eye on the home of Jim's mother. He is hovering near when Bill Hawkins arrives. Kearney follows Mrs. Montgomery. In the meantime, Gutzler, the murderer, has had trouble with his affinity, Kate, of the Underworld. Kate vows to squeal as to the watchman's murder. Bill Hawkins is present. He realizes that Gutzler is the guilty man, overpowers the crook, and compels Gutzler to accompany him to Jim Montgomery's home. Jim Montgomery clasps his aged mother in his arms. Mollie is near and tears spring to her eyes. Kearney confronts Jim and his mother, "This is not your man," lies the mother. Kearney produces the tell-tale fatal thumbprints. Jim hides his hands behind his back, and then, with sudden resolve, he runs to the machine shop and plunges his right hand in the cog wheels of the machinery. Bill Hawkins appears with the trembling Gutzler who confesses to being the real murderer.

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GenresDrama Short