Tracked Through the Desert (1912)

Jim Conway, a young and energetic prospector, rebels at what he terms Sheriff Caldwell's impertinence, and persists in his associations with evil companions. Victoria, his wife, at last wins him over, and Jim cuts loose from the gangsters. After due preparation, he starts for the mountains to stake his claim; Victoria is to follow shortly after. The gangsters, stealthily, and in the night, go to Miller's ranch and make away with all his horses. Sheriff Caldwell answers the alarm, and with his posse is soon on the trail of the horse thieves. The trail leads them through the desert. The sheriff is obliged to dismount and, before he can collect his wits, the horse has vanished beyond the horizon. Alone and with his canteen empty, he staggers on and on through the desert. Meanwhile, the thieves, by mere chance, come upon Jim in the mountains, and try to make him to join them. The posse's approach gives Jim the opportunity to slip away, but, being closely pursued, he's forced to jump over a precipice. The thieves are corralled and taken to the look-up. Victoria, on her way to meet her husband, finds the riderless horse, and after a painstaking and dangerous hunt, reaches the almost exhausted and thirst-maddened sheriff. She knows just what to do, and quickly does it. The sheriff returns home not much the worse for his experience. The posse apprises Caldwell of Jim's connection with the horse-thieves, and of his escape. The boys insist that the sheriff drop sentiment and perform his duty. Reluctantly Caldwell leads his men in the search for Jim. Mrs. Caldwell, however, proposes to save the young man, and cleverly manages to decoy away the sheriff and his posse. Jim and Victoria cross in safety the border line, and in another state they begin life anew.

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GenresShort Western