The Mother of Seven (1914)

Papa and Mamma were so sure it would be a boy this time that they named it Tommy, but it was a girl just the same, and then there were seven, all of similar gender. Did the long-suffering mother bewail her lot? Far from it. She was prouder than ever. Time went by and the seven well-grown daughters left father no place to smoke his pipe or peruse his evening paper in peace, for lovers galore began to flock about the house and overrun the lawn. Six times had the marriage bells rung for that household, and mother and father were rid of all the daughters, but tantalizing Tommy. This did not stop the perturbation of mother, for the young wives came hurrying back with various woeful tales of awkwardly darned socks with the knots inside, of burning meals, not to remark other troubles of the newly made nests. But mother was ever a diplomat and delighted in straightening out troubles. Tommy still remained to be comforted and snuggled. Then there was a "coming home day," when the six daughters came hustling in with seven babies, one having an extra in the shape of twins. There were seven beds, ranging in size from the crib to the bassinet, dragged down from the attic and again brought into use, while proud grandpa and smiling grandma tiptoed in to view this wonderful spectacle, and then, as a climax to it all, they observed Tommy captured at last in the arms of the stalwart and sympathetic young doctor.

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GenresComedy Short