How the Girls Got Even (1911)

Three young men plan to play a joke on their girlfriends. The boys and girls were in the midst of a quiet evening, and the latter, unsuspecting. Suddenly a wild scream was emitted from a girl's lips, and she bounded on the back of an arm chair. Instantly, the cause of her dire apprehension had become known, and the other two girls followed her example. The cause of all was a very wee mouse, which was a mechanical toy, pulled across the floor by one of the boys. The next day, each young man received a challenge, daring him to go to a certain haunted house. The girls, meanwhile had preceded them, and gathered together some ancient ghost paraphernalia. Soon the three boys came along, armed to the teeth. Just as they are settled down to a nice game of "seven-up," "bang," one of them gets it on the side of the head. He leaped to his feet with drawn gun, but nowhere can he see where the blow came from, for the door behind him was locked. This got the brave fellow's nerve, and when huge chairs rattled, and tree stumps thumped about, they vigorously attacked their bottle of "courage." The climax was reached when white robed figures appeared. With wild yells they clung to each other; fired their guns, and performed every stunt that brave men are not supposed to, and they finally collapsed with exhaustion. In the next room, the girls were hysterical with laughter.

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GenresComedy Short