The Story of Diana (1914)

Diana, while visiting the castle of Venus, secures two pet leopards that follow her through the forests as she roams about the estate. Orion, the hunter, is beset by wolves, and Diana looses her leopards to rescue him from the wolves. She immediately falls in love with the hunter, but he, strangely enough, does not return the affection. So she goes to Cupid for aid. This cunning little chap agrees to help her and they find Orion asleep. At the touch of Cupid's dart, he awakens and as usual in such cases, falls in love with the first woman he sees, which happens to be Diana. Venus is displeased over this infatuation. She summons Apollo, the sun God, to protect her, but he, in turn, is displeased over this affair of his sister. He denounces Orion as a coward, but Diana proves him otherwise, as he battles with a leopard single handed, and overcomes him, bringing her the skin of the spotted cat as a test of his prowess. Apollo, however, does not give up, and discovering Orion making love to a sea-nymph, induces his sister to dispatch him with an arrow by mistake. The last scene shows Diana at the tomb of Orion in the forest, mourning her lost love.

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GenresDrama Short