The Sorceress (1914)

Wealthy art collector Leonard Rand lives in the suburbs of London with his wife Hester and daughter Violet. Hester has ceased to respect her husband and resents the associations forced on her of what he is pleased to call Bohemia. One night she receives a blow that causes her to decide to take serious action: Violet is taken among the riotous guests of painted women and finally given a glass of wine to drink. A stormy interview takes place and the husband tells his wife that if she does not like the atmosphere she is at liberty to go, but Violet stays with him. On several occasions Hester has consulted gypsy seeress Carlotta, one of a tribe encamped close by, and in her emergency she goes for advice. The gypsy tells her that the tribe is leaving for America, and Hester proposes that they take Violet with them, stipulating that she shall be returned to Hester upon demand. The plan is carried out and little Violet is taken to America. Hester refuses to disclose their girl's whereabouts to the distracted father and dies suddenly. Ten years elapse in which Carlotta brings up Violet under the name Perdita, and a strong affection exists between them. Carlotta, the Sorceress, is eminently successful in America and acquires a fortune, but her lover Frollo insists that she continue to live with the tribe. Perdita grows up to be a beautiful young woman and The Sorceress, as she is called, is eminently successful in America and acquires a fortune, but Frollo, her lover, insists that she shall still continue to live with the tribe. Perdita grows up to be a beautiful girl and Carlo, a fiery young member of the tribe, falls in love with her, but Carlotta is deeply opposed to a union, hoping someday to return Perdita to her own folks. One day, Perdita is wandering through the woods when she encounters a hunting party led by Leonard Rand, who is attracted by her wild beauty and paints such pictures of the glittering existence in his world that she becomes inspired enough to leave the tribe to go to Rand's gorgeous home. She sees Rand as an elderly man who is unselfishly interested in a child whom he wishes to endow with his wealth, but on discovering his true character she decides to return to Carlotta--but finds herself a prisoner in the home of the man she is learning to fear. The excitement causes brain fever that nearly destroys her mind. Carlotta discovers Rand, and to work her point she proceeds to infatuate him. She is successful. With Frollo's aid she obtains evidence of the fact that Perdita is Rand's lost daughter and Carlotta fulfills the pledge that she had long ago made to the girl's mother.

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GenresDrama Short