Her Country Cousin (1915)

Waddy Wise's wife has been living with him in their fine urban home for some time, but for some reason or other, she had not imbibed the "civilized" atmosphere and was still the awkward, gasping rustic she was when Waddy rescued her from an almost certain social death in the little country place, called Tanktown. It was one of those delightfully quiet places, where grandfathers rock their great-grandfathers to sleep every night, the sidewalks are hauled in at eight o'clock each evening and the beautiful Jersey cow comes up to the back door each morning, knocks, and holds its hand out for its breakfast. The geese hold converse with the farmer and the horses feed the chickens. In short, it was one big family, and Mrs. Wise was a member of that family. Her cousin, Artie, one of those over bright and intelligent products of the farm who sleep on their face all night and in the morning wonder how they got wrinkled overnight, writes her a letter, a precursor of his visit to the city. He says "a feller can't lead no fast life way up here anyway, cuz there's a cop on duty all the time." When he lands in the city, Mrs. Wise tells him to imitate her husband so that Artie will make no breaks, which might betray him. Consequently, whatever Waddy does, Artie follows suit. Waddy is enraged, and wonders whether he is sober or Artie foolish. Artie follows him all over the house, doing exactly as he does. The situations are extremely ludicrous. Waddy is somewhat of an exercise enthusiast and his home contains a fully equipped gymnasium. Both men enter and the contortions that Artie goes through are very amusing. Waddy, by this time, is thoroughly disgusted with the visitor. He decides to put on the boxing-gloves with Artie, and after the bout has progressed a bit, sends across a dream producer. They start and hardly has the match started, when Artie lands a full swing on Waddy's jaw. Waddy is knocked out of the room. When he sees what he has done. Artie punches himself, and he is also knocked from the room. They both roll downstairs together. After that, Waddy respects the farmer and tells his wife he is the best pal he ever had.

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GenresComedy Short