Seven Sealed Orders (1914)

Joseph Keene, partner in the firm of Carson and Keene, accepts a mysterious commission of $20,000. With this commission he receives seven sealed orders which he has to follow. The first order is, "Go to the 12th St. Station;" the second, "Take train to Scarburg, Ill." the third, "Rent room on south side, Central Hotel;" the fourth, "If unable to get this room, buy hotel;" the fifth, "If further money is received, buy adjoining property;" the sixth, "Put guard on room;" and the seventh is to put in bank unopened. Keene attempts to follow all of these orders, but the seventh order is stolen from the bank. Regan, the former hotel owner, gets possession of this and decides that the old story of the hidden treasure under room No. 3 may be true after all, so buys the adjoining property and refuses to sell it to Keene. He and his pal, Moss, then dig a tunnel from his property under room No. 3 and are caught by Keene and the occupants of his hotel, just as they are entering the basement. Among the guests at the hotel is a Hindoo, whose presence is a mystery to all. He is one of Keene's aides and now steps forward and from a hole extracts a huge diamond. The gem had been stolen from him years before by Moss's brother. He died shortly after and carried the secret hiding place to the grave with him. It is now clear to Keene; he has been working under the orders of this Hindoo, who turns out to be a Rajah of India.

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GenresDrama Short