In Mysterious Ways (1914)

Joe Anson, a young miner, lives in a western foothill country with his bride of a year, Anna. Joe, one morning, leaves the house, saying that he is going to the mine. At the mine trail, however, he remembers that it is their first wedding anniversary, and he rides on to the village store, where he buys a pretty fan for Anna. Sallie Spriggs, old maid gossip, sees the purchase and is curious. Leaving the store, Joe is hailed by two members of the township school board. They tell him that the new school teacher will arrive unexpectedly on the next train, and they insist it is his duty as president of the board, to escort the young lady to the valley. Joe is reluctant, but finally consents. They meet the new teacher at the station and she and Joe start for the valley on horseback. Sallie goes to Joe's house, to make a day's call on Anna. While dinner is being prepared, Sallie wanders out along the edge of the bluff that overlooks the valley. On the valley road, far below, Sallie is horrified to see Joe and a strange girl riding. The gossip hurriedly calls Anna and shows her the scene. She also tells Anna that she saw Joe buying a pretty fan at the store. Anna's jealousy is aroused and she returns to the house accompanied by Sallie. When Joe returns that evening, he finds Anna in a fury. She locks herself in her bedroom, refusing to listen to a word of explanation. Joe, after recovering from his surprise, instinctively feels that Sallie is responsible for the situation and orders her from the house. Anna sleeps in her locked room that night; Joe camps out in the main room. Next morning Joe finds Anna still unrelenting. Provoked himself, Joe leaves for the mine. Anna, determined to leave Joe's roof, packs her trunk and a suitcase. Ready to leave the house, Anna stops in the main room to stare scornfully at a large crayon portrait of Joe, which hangs on the wall. As she looks, the portrait falls from the wall. Concurrent with the fall of the picture, Joe, at the mine, loses his footing and falls over a cliff. He manages to grasp an overhanging bush and hangs suspended in a perilous position. Anna, startled by the fall of the picture, is convinced that some accident has befallen Joe. Forgetting her jealousy, she goes to the mine, rescues Joe and learns of the simple explanation regarding the fan and the strange girl.

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GenresDrama Short