The Lady of the Snows (1915)

Charlton Trevelyan, an English society man, declares his love for Helen Mason, a calculating girl of his set. She rejects him and accepts the Hon. Travers Langdon, a member of the Canadian parliament. In a newspaper appears a story to the effect that Patricia Sutherland, a Canadian girl, has been left a fortune on condition that she marry Trevelyan. Trevelyan, embittered by Helen's treatment, determines to marry the heiress and leaves for Canada. He arrives at the home of Archbishop Hillaire du Bertrand. Patricia's uncle. The archbishop procures him a position on the Royal Northwest mounted police. He wins recognition by closing Pete's gambling place. Pete plans to wreck a train in his territory so that Trevelyan will be disgraced. The attempt is foiled by Gloria Templeton, secret agent and authority on Indian affairs, who is known to the Indians as The Lady of the Snows, Later, Helen learning of the strange will and Trevelyan's intention to marry the heiress, breaks with her husband and comes to him. In the wilderness, close to the hut of the Lady of the Snows, he refuses her love. He loves Gloria Templeton. Both he and Helen are lost in a blizzard and get shelter in Miss Templeton's cabin. Helen, learning of Trevelyan's love for this woman, maliciously asks him about his approaching marriage to Patricia Sutherland. Gloria shows her disgust for him. Trevelyan writes to Gloria that he will refuse to marry Miss Sutherland. Helen goes to the archbishop to tell him that Trevelyan is in love with a woman other than his niece. The prelate sends for Miss Sutherland. When she comes down, Helen sees Gloria Templeton. Trevelyan, coming to the house at the archbishop's invitation, learns that Gloria Templeton is Patricia Sutherland. She creeps into his arms.

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Summary Details
GenresDrama Short
Richard Travers
Edna Mayo
Sidney Ainsworth
Ernest Maupain