A Desperate Chance (1914)

Drunkard Peter Delany's wife Fannie could very well die of consumption unless Peter can send her away; the doctor tells him there is no alternative. Peter takes their last money and goes to the village to get the prescription filled, but while there he falls into his old temptation and spends the money on drink instead of securing the prescription. Neighborhood bully Del Phelan picks on Peter and knocks him down; Peter vows to get even. Passing through the woods later, Phelan encounters two drunken toughs and the result of their argument is a death shot for Phelan. Peter hears the shot and finds Phelan dead and his assailants gone. Mechanically he picks up the gun and without thinking he pockets it. Then he remembers the prescription, takes enough from the dead Phelan to buy it, and nervously slinks away. The body is found later and the sheriff notified, but Peter has gotten home with the medicine--and the gun, which he frantically hides when he discovers it. A deputy sheriff goes to look over the ground. Peter drawn by curiosity also goes to the village and discovers a placard offering $500 reward for information that will lead to the murderer's arrest. Peter thinks of his wife: free of him she might be able to do some good in the world. What would his life matter if she had $500 and could get well? He enters the office and gets the sheriff to sign a paper guaranteeing that his wife would receive the reward if he gave the information the sheriff wanted. When the paper is signed he confesses that he committed the murder; they laugh at him. He pleads with them, reminds them of the argument in the saloon and tells them where to find the gun. A man goes for it. Upon his return the sheriff finds him guilty. Meanwhile the deputy has followed what clues he could find and discovers nothing until to assuage his thirst be enters another saloon and there overhears the drunken men whispering about their crime and he takes them to the sheriff's office. The sheriff and others are on their way, however, with Peter. The deputy arrives at the office and learning of Peter places his prisoners under guard and dashes off to intercept the hanging. He arrives in time and under the third degree of the sheriff. Peter breaks down and tells the truth. Gone now is his one big chance to save his wife and brokenhearted he gives way to his grief. The men, however, are quick to recognize true heroism and chip in the amount needed, and Peter goes home to Fannie, and the promise of a better future looms up before them.

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Summary Details
Running Time11 min
GenresDrama Short