Teaching His Wife a Lesson (1913)

Mrs. Dodd and Mrs. Charters were neighbors. The principal reason that they did not love each other as themselves was largely on account of dress. Mrs. Dodd, a person of somewhat striking tastes in the matter of clothes, held it as a perpetual grudge against Mrs. Charters that the latter copied all her carefully thought out effects in the most barefaced manner. Mr. Dodd was a serious person of practical instincts. One morning, just before his wife started downtown, he took occasion to warn her against the careless way in which she was in the habit of carrying her pocketbook. Mrs. Dodd, boiling with indignation over the latest effrontery on the part of Mrs. Charters, paid little attention to her earnest husband and sallied off on a shopping tour. Later in the day, Mr. Dodd, seeing a person to all appearances his wife, carrying her pocketbook in the same slipshod manner, determined to teach her a needed lesson. Stealing behind the hurrying lady, he deftly snatched the pocketbook from its insecure position. Mr. Dodd did not notice that the spot he chose for his crime was directly in front of a postcard camera, nor did he know that the camera had been accidentally exposed at the very moment that he took the pocketbook. That evening Mr. Dodd arrived at home chuckling his merriment. He asked his wife for the theater tickets he had asked her to buy that morning. She replied that they were in her pocketbook, and when Mr. Dodd asked to see them, went out and brought her pocketbook to him. Mr. Dodd's horror may be imagined. A hasty examination of the contents of the pocketbook showed him that he had robbed somebody of three hundred dollars. He dared not tell his wife and went to the theater with her in an extremely anguished frame of mind. His worst fears were realized by a glimpse at the first page of an evening paper. Under the glaring headlines: "Daring Thief Caught by Postcard Camera," was an unmistakable photograph of Mr. Dodd stealing the pocketbook. On his return from the theater Mr. Dodd was arrested and dragged off to the station house. His feverish explanation did not carry much weight with the skeptical sergeant, and the unfortunate man was only cleared when two furious ladies were made to confront the sergeant in their strikingly similar suits.

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