The Port of Missing Women (1913)

A girl wearying of the monotonous life on a farm, comes to it great city, and presently becomes known us "Decollette Nell." because she is always beautifully gowned. She is a victim of circumstances, but is clever, capable and dominating, so that she rises superior to the situation that drags down many of her weaker sisters. She has a good head that governs a great heart, and, wearied with the error of her ways and the hollowness and heartlessness of it all, comes to the "Port of Missing Women." Eventually, her father, a strong, hopeful, reliant character, comes to the city and visits the "Port" in search of his erring daughter. He immediately opens generous hands, and induces the inhabitants of the refuge to form a company and return to the old homestead, which has been greatly modernized, equipped with all the conveniences that it previously lacked to make life bearable and interesting. Nell's father and her saintly mother now have the practical assistance of their daughter in expending their wealth judiciously, to make the old farm a wholesome refuge that practically proves far more efficient than wordy resolutions of legislatures and the verbose enactments of city councils. The healthful and happy air of this community makes all who come within its radius of influence, immune from the contagious touch of the sinful city. The girls earn their way by precious, honest toil, in close contact with nature, the wholesome mother of us all.

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GenresDrama Short