National Soldiers' Home, Virginia (1912)

In the National Home for Disabled Volunteered Soldiers at Hampton, Virginia, the United States maintains a resting place for these men who have earned a nation's gratitude, which will creditably compare with similar institutions in other countries. The beautiful grounds are situated on the water overlooking Hampton Roads, where the famous battle between the Monitor and Merrimac was fought fifty years ago. The life at the home is shown in picturesque detail and we were fortunate enough to obtain views of the last Memorial Day celebration, this being naturally the most important day of the year for the veterans. Their parade and review, the decoration of graves in the cemetery, the salute to the dead, all these are things which the average person does not see in real life and will therefore enjoy seeing on the screen. Many of the veterans are very feeble and their ranks are thinning fast, but they all march with the true martial spirit.

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