The Sleepy Tramps (1911)

Two "sons of rest," finding the shade of farmer Hawkins' haystack inviting to sweet slumber, decided to take a nap, and before their nap decided to have a smoke, so they lighted their pipes, and if they had been more careful, this story might never have been told. But "Plodding Pete" dropped his pipe into the hay, and a moment later the two wayfarers were moving faster than they had moved for many a day. Farmer Hawkins saw them and gave chase. "Plodding Pete" and "Sleepy Sam" decided that cunning was better than swiftness, and seeing a mattress, which had been thrown from the house during house cleaning, they ripped it open and crept inside, and a moment later Mrs. Jones, her husband and the hired man came out and beat the mattress with clubs. Then the rent was sewn up, and the mattress was carried back into the house. Seeing some movement inside it, Mrs. Jones declared it was full of rats and ordered it thrown into the back yard. Then two men were employed to drag it away. They tied ropes to it and proceeded up the street. Building material dropped on it, horses and automobiles ran over it, and finally the two men left it on a railroad track, where a passing express train threw mattress and tramps high into the air and over an embankment into the river.

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GenresComedy Short