Robbie and the Redskins (1911)

Mischievous Robbie causes his sister and her beau no little amount of confusion. One night on the return home of Robbie's father he calls his attention to the old grandfather's clock standing in the corner of the living-room. The clock has stopped. Father takes out the face and the works and looks them over, deciding that it will be a longer job than he cares to tackle at that time. They are laid aside. Next morning a neighbor comes to the cabin with news of a sick cow. Robbie's parents go over to the neighbor's cabin in an effort to give aid, leaving the boy and the girl alone. While Robbie's sister is in an adjoining room the young elf crawls into the clock and hides. Robbie had just about got nicely settled in the clock when a band of marauding Indians bursts in the door. During the excitement and while the Indians were raiding the pantry, Robbie's sister, who had been hiding behind the door, escapes and goes for aid. Robbie all the while keeping as quiet as a mouse in the clock, until the Indians all having passed into an adjoining room in their search for loot, slips out of the clock and fastens the door, locking them in, then taking up his position in the clock to watch developments. In the meantime Robbie's sister has secured aid and a wild race to the cabin is made to save the boy. Just as the rescue party rides up the Indians break down the door and are given a hot reception. Robbie is found safe and sound and declared the hero of the hour.

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GenresShort Western