Easy Coin (1911)

Tired Thomas is pressed for ready cash as a square meal is almost a stranger to him. After a heavy snowfall he is offered a quarter to shovel off a sidewalk. He accepts the contract and starts in to work, but finds work a little too hard. He is about to give up when he gets an idea that almost throws him in a snowbank. Looking down the streets, he sees several of the neighbors shoveling their sidewalks. He starts to cry, the men and women from the different houses run to where he is and ask him what is the trouble. He puts his hand in his pocket and shows a hole, telling them he has lost his last dollar. The kind neighbors agree to shovel off the snow in the hope of finding the lost coin. After the sidewalk has been cleared and they fail to find the money (Thomas has been crying all this time) they take up a collection and realize a fair sum which they hand him. He thanks them. After they leave, he picks up the shovel, goes to the door and receives a quarter for cleaning the pavement. But just as he is receiving the money one of the neighbors spies him and informs the rest. They have a little rough house with our friend Mr. Jackson and the picture closes with the people throwing him down a snowy hill.

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GenresComedy Short