Canimated Nooz Pictorial, No. 18 (1916)

At Cheesecake, Pa., Andy Carnegia is caught by the Canimated Nooz cameraman in the acting of distributing a whole flock of hero medals. Simp Hoosis gets one for saving the half of the population from asphyxiation by eating a ton of Limburger cheese. Gabby Talkalong saved the other half when she lost her voice, so she gets a medal, too. Canimated Nooz inaugurates a Pistograft section. The first number shows how huntsmen capture the Oola-boola bird, that society women of New York and Oshkosh may have hats trimmed with its rare eyebrows. The bird is caught off guard and a huge rock affixed to its tail. Then its capture is simple.

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GenresAnimation Comedy Short
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