Canimated Nooz Pictorial, No. 10 (1916)

Miss Stake, a society girl who makes a pet of a monkey, is pictured in the Canimated Nooz of this issue. Because of a certain resemblance the artist finds it necessary to indicate which is the pet monkey. Pete and his "Kelly" get caught in the rain and another argument against buds for masculine hat trimming is furnished. Kernel Willyum Jenninks Bryan demonstrates how our defenses are adequate. The pop-gun, which is absolutely harmless, is a very effective means of fighting the enemy, he maintains. When the pop-gun does not frighten them away more violent means are resorted to, the squirt gun and grape juice. When the juice fails to blind the advancing enemy, dash a number of cream puffs in their faces and shout, "So there! Take that and that!"

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GenresAnimation Comedy Short