Only a Rose (1916)

Joseph Dorn has for fifteen years been a bookkeeper for James Phelps, a wealthy broker. Dorn is in ill health, but in spite of this fact, endeavors to pursue his daily duties. Louis Hunt, also in the employ of James Phelps, loves Alma Dorn, Joseph Dorn's sister, but when he meets Kate Phelps, the broker's daughter, he forgets Alma. Dr. Boyd, driven to desperation by debts, visits Phelps, demanding the money due him, Phelps refuses, and in a moment of madness, Dr. Boyd threatens to shoot the broker. Dorn, the bookkeeper, sees this action, reaches through the window leading into Phelps' private office, and snatches the revolver from Boyd's hand. Phelps thinks Lewis Hunt had come to his rescue, and Hunt does not tell his employer the truth. Overcome by the exertion and excitement of saving his employer's life, Dorn collapses, and is taken home. Dr. Boyd, in attendance on Dorn, hears the facts concerning Dorn's action in saving his employer's life. He goes to Phelps, tells him the truth and the broker upbraids Hunt. He then rushes to Dorn's bedside, but arrives too late to aid the bookkeeper. Phelps, endeavoring to make amends, gives Alma a check for $10,000. Kate Phelps loses all affection for Hunt when she finds he has taken the credit that belongs to another. A rose brightened the last hours of Joseph Dorn's life, and after his death the petals of the rose wither and die, and as they drop one by one from the stem, Alma Dorn tears up the check written by the broker.

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