Converging Paths (1916)

Dan never knew anything but the city slums, while Nell was horn near the green fields and running brooks. Came a day when Nell left the old home farm and sought the great city, there to earn her livelihood. Dan, of the slums, sank lower and lower in the social strata. Nell soon found that city life was a delusion and a snare. Finally she was given notice that her services were no longer desired by her employer. Then it was that the country girl realized that she was alone and penniless in the heart of a relentless city. One night she wandered through the slums, finally venturing into the portals of a little mission. There, seeking shelter for the night, she secreted herself while the mission worker and his wife dismissed their little flock and left the house of worship for the night. That same night Dan, of the slums, was espied by the police and was pursued. Desperate, the young man sought a hiding place in the little mission. After the pursuers had passed, he turned on the light and there confronted Nell. In the meantime, the clergyman and his wife had returned to the mission and they encountered the two. The clergyman offered Dan another chance if he would promise to be a man. Dan proved his worth, returned later to the little mission and there sought the love of Nell, which was sincerely returned. The minister then made Dan and Nell man and wife.

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GenresDrama Short