Robbing the Fishes (1916)

The Fishes are not inhabitants of the briny deep, but of a cozy little home in a suburban town. Maybe Pa Fish is somewhat of a shark, but what can you expect when he is taken from a veritable gold Fish by his daughter, who is about to be married, and by his wife, who is arranging the program for the nuptials. So Pa Fish, as well as being snappy and always ready to bite, was wary and suspicious and when he happened to read a newspaper story, telling how a butler robbed a house of a lot of wedding presents, decides to secure a detective to guard the gifts that have arrived for his daughter. So he goes out and hires the first detective he stumbles over and brings him home and makes him a member of the family. The detective takes a dislike to the butler and evidently suspects the latter of having designs on the wedding presents. On the other hand, the butler despises the detective and considers him as an intruder. From the time that the detective comes into the house until the momentous events that transpire as the result of his presence, the butler and the officer glare at each other like two roosters who are about to enter into mortal combat. At night the Fishes are disturbed by some unpleasant dreams and they all go downstairs only to find the detective on guard and doing his duty. In the morning when they arise, however, they go downstairs and find that both the detective and butler have gone and that the presents have disappeared with them. While they are making a frantic search of the house they hear a rumble coming from a closet and they open the door and find the butler calmly sleeping on the floor with his arm around a suitcase that contains the missing presents. When he is awakened he explains that he was suspicious of the detective and took this method of safeguarding the gifts. The Fishes are profuse in their thanks and overwhelm the butler with their gratitude, whereupon he retires once more to the closet and drags forth the detective who he had captured and who he had bound securely. This convinces the Fishes that the proper place to hire a detective is not at a detective bureau but at an employment agency.

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GenresComedy Short