The Product (1914)

Strong, owner of a large distillery, marries, and immediately after their honeymoon, his wife Irene begins to note the effects which his constant, and as he claims, necessary use of liquor, has caused. Some time later, Slattery, an habitual drunkard, wanders into Strong's yard, sees Irene, and lurches toward her. She is almost paralyzed with fight when he confronts her; he grabs her and she screams. Strong, in his automobile, hears her and rushes to her rescue. He knocks Slattery down and is about to have him arrested, when a bottle falls from the fellow's pocket. Irene sees the label of her husband's distillery on it, and the realization that Slattery is one of the "products" of Strong's business, fills her with horror. She intercedes for him, and the policeman is dismissed. Twelve years later, Slattery has become a trusted servant of the Strong family and a close friend of little Helen Strong. Strong himself has become a victim of his own product: drink; once, Slattery is obliged to interfere to save Helen and her mother from his brutality. Then Irene begs her husband to give up the distillery. When he refuses, she determines upon desperate measures for the salvation of her husband. She gains admittance to the factory, seizes a bottle, and starts drinking. Strong is informed of this and, horrified, he rushes to his office, snatches the bottle away from her and carries her outside. In the struggle, furniture is knocked into the fireplace, set afire, and soon the building is a roaring furnace. Instead of calling the firemen, Strong lets the building burn down, and with the ruin of his distillery, Strong finds a new happiness with his wife and daughter, on a beautifully situated farm with Slattery as its foreman.

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GenresDrama Short