The Portrait (1914)

Keen competition is aroused among a group of young artists in New York City by the announcement of a valuable prize for the greatest portrait of the year, six months being given as the time limit of the competition. Dryden, a brilliant young artist, before starting his prize picture, decides first to take a trip to the country in search of inspiration. He meets with an accident near the cottage of Rosemary Blair, a quaint old lady. Mrs. Blair's one topic of conversation is her son, David, who has gone to New York to study art, and of whom she has lost all trace. She tells Dryden the story of the boy's venture into the world, and shows the artist his sketches. Dryden, out of compassion, hides from her love-blind eyes the artistic impossibility of the boy's work and promises, if possible, to get in touch with David upon his return to New York. Five months later, Dryden is busily at work on his portrait, the subject of which he will not divulge. David, half-starved, sullen and resentful at his failure in the art world, drifts into the student's quarter. He steals a loaf of bread and is saved from arrest by Hoyt, a skillful but unscrupulous artist. Hoyt is trying for the great prize and knowing that Dryden is the only artist who can compete with his work, determines to eliminate him. Between threats and bribes, he prevails upon David to visit Dryden's studio the night before the exhibition and mutilate the carefully guarded picture. David gains access to the studio and is about to rip the picture into ribbons when he sees it is his own mother's portrait. Dryden, hearing a noise, enters and learns the identity of the intruder. Thinking of David's mother, Dryden forgives him and offers to accept him as his pupil. David's mother is sent for to witness the hanging of the portrait of herself and Dryden wins the prize. The dear old lady, while congratulating him, also says she considers him fortunate in having discovered David's undoubted talent. Her faith in her son is so strong and her mother-love so touching. Dryden does not disabuse her mind.

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Summary Details
Running Time19 min
GenresDrama Short