The Parson's Horse Race (1915)

Algernon, a tramp, makes the acquaintance of the parson, his wife, and their servant, Melinda, when the parson discovers him "treed" by the watch-dog. Calling off the dog, the parson inquires into Algy's past life, and learns that he has become a tramp after being "thrown down" by a woman. He applies to the parson for work and is asked if he knows anything about horses. Almost immediately, Algernon commences to make good the statement that he was a racing man. Coming home from town, driving the parson, he passes the rig driven by Farmer Jones. Jones at once develops sporting blood and whips up his horse, passing the minister's buggy. But Algernon, too, has sporting blood, and standing up in the buggy, he whips up the parson's horses and soon passes the farmer. The wheels of the parson's buggy, however, catch in those of the farmer's, the latter being upset and its occupant thrown out. And thus begins the racing craze which is to lead to most of the young men of the countryside being threatened "with the law" by the anti-racing constable. The boys get together after morning service on Sunday and race their horses around the track at the fairgrounds. The villagers, some of them, are scandalized by this desecration of the Sabbath, and urge the constable to put a stop to it. Twice more, on Sunday, the boys race and "get away with it" then the constable fixes up a plan. He tells the minister that he will wait until next Sunday and then be all ready to pounce upon the offenders as they start to race. A week passes, and on the following Sunday morning the boys are all lined up at the track awaiting the arrival of Algernon, their plan being to race while the service is going on, and to be innocently waiting when church "lets out." But on this particular Sunday, Algernon has been ordered to drive the minister's party to the church, by way of the cross-rut across the fair grounds. They pass the crowd of waiting vehicles. Algy's appearance is the cue of the young men to start, and in a moment they are off. Something gets into the parson's blood, and when for a moment his horse slows down, the parson stands up and urges him on. Algy contributes his share of encouragement, and at the finish the parson's horse wins the race. It is then that the constable makes his appearance, and starts to "pinch" the whole crowd. The proud look in the parson's eye, however, coupled with the entreaties of the crowd to "be a reg'lar feller," causes him to change his mind, and receiving the promise of the boys to race thereafter on week days only, he grasps the parson's hand and declares him a real patron of the sport of kings.

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Summary Details
GenresComedy Short
George Lessey Director
Will Louis Writer
Raymond McKee
Julian Reed
Jessie Stevens
Jean Dumar