Psychology of Fear (1913)

This subject takes up the problem of a sea captain who wishes to cure his ten-year-old son of a fear of the dark. The lad will not go to sleep unless the gas is left burning in his bedroom. In his efforts to stamp out the boy's fear, his father turns out the gas, paying no attention to the lad's screams. In the night a dishonest sailor climbs through the window of the boy's room and picks up some valuables there. The boy awakes and screams for help. The father hearing him, thinks the boy's calls are impelled by his fear of the dark and will not go to his room. The sailor escapes through the window, but in doing so, makes so much noise that the sea captain is aroused and captures him. Going to his son's room the captain finds the lad in a faint. The physician who was called in examines the boy and states, "The boy will recover, but the fear of the dark will be with him always." The picture then shows the boy grown up and in love. Invited to a party at his sweetheart's home, a game of "Blind Man's Buff" is proposed, and he is selected as the blind man. He is blindfolded, the lights are turned out, and when the bandage about his eyes is removed and he finds himself in the dread dark, he cowers noticeably. The young people jeer at him and the girl. In shame, breaks off the engagement. Then the girl meets with an accident that threatens her eyesight and she is forced to remain in a darkened room. Her sweetheart forgets her treatment of him and keeps her company in the room, where his patience does much to calm her fears of total blindness. In the end her eyesight is saved. The boy who had feared the dark finds that he has won back his love, through his vigil by her side in the darkened room, won his fight with the Darkness Fear.

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GenresDrama Short