On the Isle of Sarne (1914)

Countess Dorothea was plunged into the depths of despair on learning, through her tutor, that her uncle, the Duke, was so set upon her acceptance of Count Sigismund's suit that she was to be taken to the Isle of Sarne and kept there under the watchful eye of the Baroness until she saw things in the proper light. Rebellion being out of the question, Dorothea was forced to submit, but she managed to have her tutor accompany them, hoping thereby to be able to frustrate her uncle's plans. The party arrived on the island, and Dorothea lived in daily fear of the arrival of Count Sigismund. At last, one day her tutor announced the arrival of a yacht. All waited the landing of the expected suitor with varying emotions. Entirely without realizing it, the tutor was at fault, as the boat he had sighted belonged to Peter Seabrooke, who was forced to put into port as his provisions were exhausted. Much to Seabrook's astonishment, he was met at the dock and escorted to the castle with signal honors. Being presented to the Baroness and Dorothea, he was at a loss to understand the former's attitude until he learned of the plot from Dorothea and finally consented to carry out the deception, as the Baroness, never having met Count Sigismund, was completely fooled concerning Seabrooke's identity, and thought him to be the real Sigismund. The intimate association of the young couple had its effect, and when the real Count Sigismund's yacht was sighted, Seabrooke set about seriously to frustrate the plans. Boarding the yacht, he managed to lead Count Sigismund to a deserted part of the island, where he left him securely fastened to a tree, and returned to the island to carry out his own plan. He was in the midst of an explanation to Dorothea when the Count arrived at the castle, having been released by his own men. He attacked Seabrooke furiously but was forced to retreat as Dorothea came to the rescue with the fire hose. On learning that the Duke had arrived, Seabrooke, realizing that the game was up, hastily declared his love for Dorothea and prevailed upon her to fly with him to England, where they could be married and safe from the despotism of the Duke.

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Summary Details
GenresComedy Drama Short
Richard Ridgely Director
H.B. Marriott Watson Writer
Marc McDermott
Miriam Nesbitt
Duncan McRae
Charles Sutton