Olive and the Burglar (1915)

Olive, after her terrible lesson in the flames, decided not to return to a butterfly life in society, but to remain in the slums and do mission work. We find her aiding the poor unfortunates, and striving to remedy their ills, when Vance Coleman enters. In front of Brute Ballard, the burglar, Vance tries to slip an expensive ring on the third finger of Olive's right hand, but she hands it back and turns to inquire concerning Ballard's wants. Ballard tells how his wife is a confirmed drunkard and his child is dying for want of attention. Olive agrees to go to Ballard's home, despite Vance's protests, so all three start out. Ballard, having seen the ring, leaves Olive nursing the child and follows Vance. He breaks into Vance's house, and after gagging the butler, escapes with the ring. The alarm is given by Vance and an exciting chase follows. The brute finally manages to elude the pursuing police and takes refuge in his home, where he hides the ring in a milk bottle. Olive, happening to pour out the milk for the sick child, finds the ring and recognizes it as the one Vance had offered her. The brute, learning that she has found the ring, tries to strangle her, but the death of his child prevents this. Vance enters at this moment, followed by the police. It looks as if Ballard were cornered, for he pulls out his gun as a last resort. Olive, however, realizing the man's terrible punishment already, puts on the ring which Ballard hands her, and denies the fact that Ballard had stolen it, thus saving the grief-stricken brute from the long arm of the law.

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GenresDrama Short