Old Good for Nuthin' (1915)

Living quietly with his sister, Cynthy, in a small country town, Hiram Harrison, known as "Old Good-for-Nuthin'," is the best friend the boys in town have. He is continually being scolded by Cynthy for bringing home stray dogs, which she invariably puts outdoors, then as invariably quietly throws them a bone. One day Hiram finds Freckles, whose mother had died, is about to be sent to the poorhouse, and his sympathetic heart rebels at the thought. Although his own little farm is mortgaged to the limit, Hiram brings the boy home with him. Cynthy objects, but finally adopts the little fellow and he more than repays them for their kindly care. Cynthy's old sweetheart returns one day, and finally prevails upon her to forget and forgive, while the financial comforts of all concerned is assured by his presence. Freckles, peeking in the window, whispers to Hiram that Cynthy's "feller kissed her."

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Summary Details
GenresComedy Drama Short
George Ridgwell Director
William Addison Lathrop Writer
Jay Dwiggins
Edwina Robbins
Thomas R. Mills
Bobby Connelly