Neptune's Naughty Daughter (1917)

Alice is the daughter of a fisherman. She gathers herring to support her family. Alice's folks are worshipers of the cuckoo clock. Even the dog bows his head in prayer when the cuckoo cuckoos. Joe, a sailor, loves Alice. He calls on her at midnight, and takes her to a cabaret. While there, a sea captain falls in love with Alice, and strange things come to pass when Alice sees the hula hula dancers. Joe takes Alice home under great difficulties Alice and Joe are happily married and are proprietors of a lunch room. Undaunted by his previously unsuccessful attempts the sea captain is still bent on possessing Alice, and lays his plans to kidnap her. Alice is kidnapped, and is placed on a sea going vessel. Just as Joe comes home. He pursues the yacht with his billowy sail boat. Just as he is about to catch the vessel he is lassoed and left mercilessly to drown. Instead, Joe pulls himself up on the rope and outs his way in through the boat. Meanwhile, Alice is having her troubles trying to keep the captain out of her stateroom. Joe rescues Alice, and there follows a lively boat chase with marines, patrol boats, etc. Alice and Joe manage to destroy the lighthouse in which the captain and his crew sought to shelter themselves. A novel ending follows.

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GenresComedy Short