A Natural Man (1915)

Brought up in the woods from a baby, and never having seen another human being but his father, whose wife had left him, Karl Holden is indeed a "natural man." He loves nature, and is possessed of a splendid physique. So much for the Man. The Maid in the story, Rose, is a wealthy heiress tired of society's hypocrisy and shallowness. With perhaps the hope of meeting a real man, she visits her uncle in the West. On one of her daily rambles, she is discovered by Karl. Greatly frightened, she runs, but the chase is short, and picking her up bodily he carries her to his home. There he eagerly tells his astonished father that he has found a mate, and perhaps, if he looks, he might find one out in the woods. Rose, finding that Karl possesses a natural delicacy despite his cave-man methods of winning a mate, becomes greatly interested in him. She stays with the Holdens overnight, and the next morning her uncle and a party of searchers burst in on them. Karl, not understanding, wants to right, but Holden prevents hostilities by introducing himself and explaining matters. Karl sees his mate being led away by her anxious uncle and Mr. Holden has his hands full preventing the boy from following. A few days later Karl suddenly appears at her townhouse, clad in an ancient suit of clothes. Rose's uncle has taken a liking to Karl and invites him to stay a few days. For a while he proves a white elephant, but after some humiliating, and for him heartbreaking, experiences, Rose is awakened to the fact that he is indeed her real mate, and she accepts him as her affianced husband.

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GenresComedy Drama Short