A Man in the Making (1912)

Dick, a working boy in a shop, accepts an offer of a place in a gambling establishment in the hope of getting out of the rut. When the house is raided, he drops out of a side window to escape the officers and finds himself in the yard of a residence and face to face with a beautiful girl who receives his explanations with sweet dignity and leaves him to make his escape as he chooses. Somehow he never can forget her and life seems different to him after this experience. He declines a further offer from his gambling friend and accepts the first opportunity to better himself. This comes in an invitation to join the Y.M.C.A. classes for mechanical drawing and here he begins to feel that he is on the right road towards worthiness of his ideal, the girl of his dreams. Things go well until, passing her house one day. He sees her come out accompanied by another young man. He then realizes his own unfitness in comparison with the gilded youth, but having started on the right road he perseveres. His knowledge gained in technical drawing helps him to devise an automobile gear and he is promoted to an office position with the firm of manufacturers by whom he is employed. In the Y.M.C.A. gymnasium he meets the young man which he had seen with his ideal and whom be supposes to be her fiancé. And then one day this young man comes to the automobile factory to ask for him on some matter of repairs and when he accompanies him to the machine standing at the door he is introduced to the man's sister, who proves to be the girl of his dreams. The picture closes with a more than probable love story on the horizon.

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GenresDrama Short